- Mail Client:
- Mail Server: iCloud with custom domain
- Notes: and Apple Notes
- To-Do: Reminders
- iPhone Photo Shooting: iPhone 15 Pro Max and Apple Camera app
- Photo Management: Apple Photos
- Calendar: Apple Calendar (and Outlook Web Access on occasion at work)
- Cloud File Storage: iCloud (and OneDrive/Teams at work)
- RSS: N/A
- Contacts: Apple Contacts
- Browser: Safari
- Chat: Messages and Slack
- Bookmarks: Safari bookmarks
- Read It Later: Safari Reading List and Apple News Saved Stories
- Word Processing: Pages and MS Word
- Spreadsheets: Numbers, MS Excel, and Pandas/Jupyter
- Presentations: Keynote and MS PowerPoint
- Shopping Lists: Reminders
- Meal Planning: LoseIt
- Budget and Personal Finance: Quicken Simplifi
- News: Apple News
- Music: Apple Music
- Podcasts: N/A
- Password Management: Mac/IOS Passwords (experimenting with dropping 1Password)
- Code Editing: VS Code, Jupyter, vi
- Books: Apple Books
- Blogging:, mastodon
For more, see a collection of these lists at: