• @manton just updated to the new release on both iPad and iPhone. It’s a small UI enhancement, but really helpful! I had no idea you could lookup the book in those other websites! Thanks for the update!

    I’ll note that, upon first installation on my iPad, the search seemed almost non-responsive at first. However, that seems to shaken itself out and I’m not seeing the issue anymore.

  • @mjtsai that's great to hear! I look forward to seeing what evolves. all the best.

  • @mjtsai out of curiosity, have you considered an iPad version of EagleFiler? thanks!

  • @ablerism THIS.

  • @manton I had a similar experience. I had been off of it for several years. After a bit of exploring, I found that using the Feed filters (in particular, favorites and, to a lesser extent, friends) makes it almost usable again.